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What's New with Norwood Scholarship Foundation Dollars for Scholars?


The entire application process is now online!

With the fall comes the college application process for all of our seniors! This is also a time to fill out your Student Profile in the NSF Dollars for Scholars website! There is year around opportunity to be matched with scholarships! We invite current seniors and other Norwood students continuing to pursue higher education go to the students & parents page to fill out an online student profile through the ChapterNet Student Dashboard. With just a few simple steps, students can apply for other scholarships across the United States. Once the profile is complete please search for scholarships. You will see any potential matches at the end of your profile. Click on those links and you will be re-directed away from our website to those associated with the other opportunities.

This is also a good time for freshman, sophmores, and juniors to fill out their profile at the same link. All of the activities that you do now can be tracked in your profile so that when senior year arrives you won't have to scramble to "remember" all that you did. It will all be in one, easy place!

     Best of luck!

     The NSF Dollars for Scholars Board