Our Board is made up of representatives from business, education, administration, parents, and student representatives. Student representatives come from grades 10 through 12, from both Storm Lake Public and Storm Lake St. Mary's high schools.



President:  Laurie Gaffney         Secretary:         Treasurer:  Pamela Mills


Adult Community Members:  Megan Backman, Sonia Banuelos,  Michelle Grant,  Kim Kelly,

Mishelle Lalone, Brenda McVinua, Laura Newhouse, Michelle Patten, Trudy Pedersen, 

Holly Schipper,  Rhonda Slight, 


School Representatives: Kate Friedrichsen and Crystal Nieland 


Student Representatives: Cindy Barron, John Heitman,  Masha Hser, Tar Ler,

Odaliss Lopez, Jenna Merten,  Bethany Pariseau, and Madison Stull