Interested in awarding a scholarship through Storm Lake Dollars for Scholars (DFS)?
Each year, we award nearly $30,000 in scholarships to Storm Lake Public and Storm Lake St. Mary's high school graduates. We'd love to add your scholarship to this year's list!
We simply ask that the scholarship(s) be a minimum of $300, but feel free to award more than one scholarship or attach a larger amount to your scholarship if you'd like. Our Chapter Scholarships are awarded in amounts of $600 and $400.
Here's how it works:
By mid-October -- You confirm information to DFS Awards Committee
December-Mid February -- DFS promotes your scholarship to all seniors at Storm Lake Public and Storm Lake St. Mary's high schools
Late February -- Applications are scored automatically and anonymously, based on a pre-established formula set by Scholarship America
Late April/Early May -- Awards Ceremony. You present your scholarship to recipient(s). Please note that the DFS Board will make the presentation if you prefer.
We'd love to work with you!
Send an email here ( or contact a member of our Board of Directors.