Your Suppport Will Help Students in the Windham and Columbia Communities!
Your monetary contribution will directly support Windham and Columbia students who attend Windham Technical High School, Arts at the Capital Theater High School, Windham High School, E.O.Smith High School and other Windham residents that are selected to receive a Windham Area Dollars for Scholars award. Donations of any amount are accepted and are greatly appreciated.
To Contribute:
Donate online directly by clicking on the blue button below. Any donation sent through the Scholarship America site will go directly to our local Windham Area Dollars for Scholars chapter.
Mail Donations in the form of a check to:
Windham Area Dollars for Scholars
c/o Windham High School
355 High Street
Willimantic, Ct. 06226
Named Scholarship Program
If you would like to establish a Named Scholarship, one year or renewable for 2 or 4 years, fill out the form accessed here.