The following is a list of our currently endowed scholarships:
An endowed scholarship is one with sufficient donated funds, held by Avon Dollars for Scholars, to continue the scholarship for many years even if no additional donations are received.
If you are interested in establishing an endowed scholarship please contact us at or click here:
Amy E. Toyen Scholarship
Avon Little League - Brian Collings Memorial Scholarship
Bradford Scott Geyer '83 Track & Field Memorial Scholarship |
Christine Pappalardo-Greif Memorial Scholarship |
Monte J. and Cynthia R. Hopper Memorial Scholarship
Danielle Rothstein Creative Writing Memorial Scholarship |
David & Mardelle Peña Family Community Service Scholarship
David & Mardelle Peña Family Performing Arts Scholarship
David & Mardelle Peña Scholarship in Honor of the Avon VFW Gildo T. Consolini Post 3272
Douglass Shallcross Brown, Jr., & Marilynne Foster Brown Scholarship
Dr. Edwin J. Foley Memorial Scholarship
Dubiel Family Scholarship
Elaine Olthuis Memorial Scholarship |
In Honor of Claire Fisher Bonti '08 Scholarship
Jacobson Family Scholarship
James A. MacNeil Science Scholarship
James Kearney Memorial Lacrosse Scholarship
Jeremiah McWilliams Memorial Scholarship
Jill A. Hopper Memorial Scholarship
John & Linda Carmon Scholarship
Kelly Ann Hahn Memorial Scholarship
Rotary of Avon-Canton Donald B. Studley Memorial Scholarship
Sandy Jarem Scholarship
Thomas J. McGuff Memorial Scholarship
Thomas Murphy, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Wade Horsey IV Memorial Scholarship |